Art Therapy and Therapist Graduate Program

In United States, 1 school offers the Art Therapy and Therapist program in graduate level. The average graduate tuition & fees for the schools is $12,153.

2023 Average Graduate Tuition for Art Therapy and Therapist Programs

Total 1 graduate school offers the Art Therapy and Therapist programs. Its average graduate tuition & fees is $12,153.
You can view more graduate schools in geneal study of Art Therapy and Therapist program at Health Services/Allied Health/Health Sciences.
2023 Graduate Tuition & Fees of Art Therapy and Therapist programs
Graduate Tuition & Fees

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Tuition & Fees
Tuition & Fees
$12,346 In-State
$25,207 Out-of-State
Tuition & Fees
$11,368 In-State
$23,777 Out-of-State
Tuition & Fees
$15,802 In-State
$27,184 Out-of-State
Tuition & Fees
$11,518 In-State
$24,451 Out-of-State
Tuition & Fees
$12,067 In-State
$19,567 Out-of-State
Tuition & Fees
$10,713 In-State
$20,908 Out-of-State
Tuition & Fees
$10,279 In-State
$17,662 Out-of-State
Tuition & Fees
$12,082 In-State
$23,313 Out-of-State
Tuition & Fees
Tuition & Fees
$12,685 In-State
$28,041 Out-of-State
Tuition & Fees
$14,408 In-State
$31,111 Out-of-State

Average Income after Completing Art Therapy and Therapist Program

The annual average wage after completing Art Therapy and Therapist is $104,628 and hourly $38.55. This statistics is based on the employment and wage data from Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The following table shows the possible occupation and job list with average income having Art Therapy and Therapist degree/certificate.
What is Art Therapy and Therapist Program?
Art Therapy and Therapist is a program that prepares individuals, in consultation with other rehabilitation team members or in private practice, to use drawing and other art media forms to assess, treat, and rehabilitate individuals with mental, emotional, developmental, or physical disorders. Includes instruction in art, history and theory of art therapy, art therapeutic techniques, psychopathology, patient assessment and diagnosis, cultural diversity issues, legal and ethical practice issues, and professional standards and regulations.
Average Income after completing Art Therapy and Therapist Program
Occupation/Job TitleHourly WageAnnul Wage
Health Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary$127,640
Health Teachers, Postsecondary$116,780
Miscellaneous Engineers$53.50$111,280
Engineers, All Other$53.50$111,280
Miscellaneous Life Scientists$48.26$100,370
Life Scientists, All Other$48.26$100,370
Radiation Therapists$47.28$98,340
Physical Therapists$47.10$97,960
Occupational Therapists$44.61$92,800
Speech-Language Pathologists$43.01$89,460

Graduate Schools Offering Art Therapy and Therapist program

Ottawa University-Phoenix
Private, 4 years
Phoenix, AZ

Graduate Tuition: $12,153
Graduate Population: 577
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