Computer Systems Analysis and Analyst Graduate Program

In United States, 1 school offers the Computer Systems Analysis and Analyst program in graduate level. The average graduate tuition & fees for the schools is $19,246.

2023 Average Graduate Tuition for Computer Systems Analysis and Analyst Programs

Total 1 graduate school offers the Computer Systems Analysis and Analyst programs. Its average graduate tuition & fees is $19,246. In public schools, the tuition & fees is $12,010 for State residents and $19,246 for out-of-state students.
You can view more graduate schools in geneal study of Computer Systems Analysis and Analyst program at Computer and Information Sciences.
2023 Graduate Tuition & Fees of Computer Systems Analysis and Analyst programs
Graduate Tuition & Fees
In-State (public schools)$12,010
Out-of-State (public schools)$19,246
Private schools-

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Tuition & Fees
$12,068 In-State
$23,659 Out-of-State
Tuition & Fees
$12,551 In-State
$23,122 Out-of-State
Tuition & Fees
$6,760 In-State
$32,410 Out-of-State
Tuition & Fees
$12,416 In-State
$24,698 Out-of-State
Tuition & Fees
$11,404 In-State
$25,678 Out-of-State
Tuition & Fees
$11,796 In-State
$27,724 Out-of-State
Tuition & Fees
$13,472 In-State
$27,922 Out-of-State
Tuition & Fees
$7,938 In-State
$20,029 Out-of-State

Average Income after Completing Computer Systems Analysis and Analyst Program

The annual average wage after completing Computer Systems Analysis and Analyst is $110,636 and hourly $43.95. This statistics is based on the employment and wage data from Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The following table shows the possible occupation and job list with average income having Computer Systems Analysis and Analyst degree/certificate.
What is Computer Systems Analysis and Analyst Program?
Computer Systems Analysis and Analyst is a program that prepares individuals to apply programming and systems analysis principles to the selection, implementation, and troubleshooting of customized computer and software installations across the life cycle. Includes instruction in computer hardware and software; compilation, composition, execution, and operating systems; low- and high-level languages and language programming; programming and debugging techniques; installation and maintenance testing and documentation; process and data flow analysis; user needs analysis and documentation; cost-benefit analysis; and specification design.
Average Income after completing Computer Systems Analysis and Analyst Program
Occupation/Job TitleHourly WageAnnul Wage
Database Architects$65.65$136,540
Computer Network Architects$62.25$129,490
Information Security Analysts$57.63$119,860
Computer and Information Analysts$53.15$110,550
Database and Network Administrators and Architects$53.08$110,400
Computer Systems Analysts$51.70$107,530
Database Administrators$49.29$102,530
Computer Science Teachers, Postsecondary$98,610
Network and Computer Systems Administrators$46.71$97,160
Math and Computer Science Teachers, Postsecondary$93,690

Graduate Schools Offering Computer Systems Analysis and Analyst program

University of Illinois Springfield
Public, 4 years
Springfield, IL

Graduate Tuition: $19,246
Graduate Population: 1,805
View School
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