Hawaii Law Schools

There are 1 Hawaii Law Schools accredited and approved by American Bar Association (ABA) - all public schools.
The 2024 average law school tuition & fees for Hawaii Law Schools $23,164 for state residents and $46,588 for out-of-state students.
The average LSAT (Law School Admission Test) scores of enrolled students is 157 and the average GPA is 3.48. The average acceptance rate is 28.80% and the yield (enrollment rate) is 36%. For the first-time bar exam takers, the bar exam pass rate is 69.14%.
The next table shows the average statistics for Hawaii Law Schools.
Hawaii Law Schools Statistics
Number of Schools1 (all public)
Tuition & Fees
First-Year Students90
Average LSAT Scores157
Average GPA3.48
Acceptance Rate28.80%
Yield (Enrollment Rate)35.71%
Bar Exam Pass Rate (First-time Takers)69.14%
All data if for the academic year 2023-2024, except bar passage rate. You may want to sort the schools by touching/clicking the column name that you want.
Hawaii Law Schools
School NameStateTuition & FeesLSATGPAAcceptance RateStudent PopulationBar Exam Pass Rate
William S. Richardson School of Law Hawaii $46,588 ($23,164) 157 3.48 28.80% 313 69.14%

Law School Rankings by Important Statistics

Highest LSAT Scores
Highest LSAT Scores
Rankings by LSAT (Law School Admission Test) Scores
Lowest LSAT Scores
Lowest LSAT Scores
Law Schools with Relatively Lower LSAT Scores
Affordable Tuition
Affordable Tuition
Law Schools with Lower Tuition & Fees
Largest Law Schools
Largest Law Schools
With more JD Enrollment
Hard to Get Into
Hard to Get Into
Law Schools with lowest acceptance rate
High Bar Exam Pass Rate
High Bar Exam Pass Rate
Highest bar exam pass rate for first-time exam takers
Data Source: