St. John's University School of Law

The law school of St. John's University-New York, known as St. John's University School of Law, is a Private, 4 years school in Queens, NY. The law school tuition & fees at St. John's University School of Law is $72,630. Its average LSAT score submitted by enrolled students is 162 and the average GPA is 3.71 for the academic yera 2023-2024. Total 863 students are attending the law school and 269 first-year students enrolled last year.
  • LSAT Average: 162
  • Tuition & Fees (JD): $72,630
  • LLM Tuition & Fees: $68,280
  • Acceptance Rate: 41.48%
  • Student Population: 863
  • First-Year Student: 269

2024-2025 Tuition & Fees

The 2024-2025 tuition & fees at St. John's University School of Law is $72,630 for law school students. The tuition increased by 1.35% compared to last year. The average living costs besides tuition & fees is $24,168 including costs for room & boards, transportation, and other personal expenses. The living costs does not include the fees for health insurance.
The average tuition & fees of law schools in New York is $62,265 for New York residents and $63,267 for out-of-state students. For all laws schools in United States, the average law school tuition & fees is $42,924 for State residents and $48,063 for out-of-state students.
The tuition & fees of St. John's University School of Law is more expensive than the average tuition & fees of New York law schools, as well as costs of all law schools in United States.
The next table shows the St. John's University School of Law tuition & fees and compare it to the New York law schools and all U.S. Law schools. The 2025 statistics for comparison is not available yet due to the lack of data.
St. John's University School of Law 2023 Tuition & Fees
St. John's University School of Law$68,992$71,664$72,630
New York Law Schools$60,517$63,267-
All U.S. Law Schools$47,510$48,063-

LSAT score and GPA in Average

The average LSAT scores submitted by enrolled students is 162 and the average GPA is 3.71 at St. John's University School of Law.
The LSAT score of St. John's University School of Law is higher than the average LSAT score of New York law schools, as well as all law schools in United States.
The undergraduate GPA of St. John's University School of Law is higher than the average LSAT score of New York law schools, as well as all law schools in United States.
The next table shows the submitted LSAT scores and GPA by 25th/50th/75th percentile and full-time/part-time status and compare each score to last year scores.
St. John's University School of Law LSAT scores distribution
St. John's University School of LawNew York Law SchoolsAll Law Schools
25th percentile155157155
50th percentile162160159
75th percentile164163161
St. John's University School of LawGPA distribution
St. John's University School of LawNew York Law SchoolsAll Law Schools
25th percentile3.423.393.33
50th percentile3.713.633.61
75th percentile3.873.803.79

Acceptance Rate & Admission Statistics

For the academic year 2023-2024, total 2,447 students have applied to St. John's University School of Law. Among them, 1,015 students have accepted to admit and 269 have enrolled into St. John's University School of LawThe acceptance rate is 41.48% and the yield is 27%.
The acceptance rate of St. John's University School of Law is higher than the acceptance rate of New York law schools.
The next table illustrates the admission counts, acceptance rate, and yield at St. John's University School of Law.
St. John's University School of Law Admission Statistics
St. John's University School of LawNew York Law SchoolsAll Law Schools
Acceptance Rate41.48%38.89%42.40%
Yield (Enrollment Rate)26.50%27.79%30.97%

Law School Student Population

For the academic year 2023-2024, total 863 students enrolled to St. John's University School of Law. Among them 798 students enrolled in JD (Juris Doctor degree) program and 65 students enrolled in Non-JD program.
For the first class, 269 students newly joined to to St. John's University School of Law. By gender, there are 119 men , 164 women, and 1 other/unknown gender first-time students at St. John's University School of Law. By attending status, 256 students enrolled as full-time and 28 students enrolled as part-time status.
St. John's University School of Law Student Population
Total Enrollment818863
JD Enrollment761798
Non-JD Enrollment5765
First-year Student Population
TotalFull timePart timeTotalFull timePart time
Total2731570 26925528
Men57570 12510811
Women1001000 16414717
Other000 110

Bar Exam Pass Rate

For the first time bar exam takers, the bar exam pass rate is 87.1% where 248 students took the exam and 216 students passed the exam. The pass rate is higher than average pass rate of New York law schools (82.59%).
Bar Exam Pass Rate
Number of Graduates236247
First-Time Bar Exam Takers Total235248
New Graduates225238
Prior Year Graduates108
Early Takers02
No Exam Takers106
Exam Passer201216
Exam Pass Rate85.53%87.1%
New York Pass Rate81.97%82.59%

Law Schools in New York

Data Source: